The dancer of Extra Energy costumed in a silk costume brought the essential lyrical element into the show.
SabineRheinische Post 
Auf diesem Wege noch einmal ein herzliches Dankeschön für Ihre tollen Auftritte gestern. Ihre Darbietungen haben unsere Gäste absolut begeistert und werden sicherlich als ein Höhepunkt der Veranstaltung in Erinnerung bleiben.
Klaus KinkelTelekom Stiftung 
Your performance was more then spectacular and everybody talked about it after that day...actually I didn't even had time to read all the press materials witch where written about the show,
but there have been a lot of positive feedback.
Looking forward to see you soon,
Thank you very much for such a spectacular show on Tuesday. Having not seen it before I thought it was amazing and the Pas de Bleu were so dramatic.
I hope we have an oppurtunity to work together again soon.
Best wishes,
WilliamHier klicken